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From starting as way of exploring the world around, a long gap and it turned into the most soulful way of communication with self, dissecting and arranging together the puzzle pieces, to again end up with being something more, the essence with which art started for me in the first place. I think despite everything falling apart anytime in life, i would like to create some sort of art, as long as i am creating i will know i am alive to some extent.


This is just me having good time with art, on display on a random canvas on some street on the internet for passerbys to look at. Thanks for visiting


Inspiration Behind Name : 2023, i came across a young Indian poet on twitter with personal writing blog. I remember i really loved the poems, i kept reading excerpts on and on from the blog and my app suddenly crashed. I couldn’t recall her name at all, i tried but the more days passed, the more it turned into a blur. All that left was a sweet aftertaste, and then i knew what i wanted to create.

Image Source : Unsplash

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